Ahnvyi - First New Moon of Spring


Word Count → 263!

Shanta, having heard of the ceremony, had prepared herself throughout the day. It had been a while since she had been with the tribe and she found it fitting to come back in time for the ceremony for the New Year. Her fur was smoothed down and her long dark hair was in a single, thick braid that snaked over her shoulder and down her chest. Laced in her braid was sage, lavender, and lemongrass, all to promote the cleansing of bad and the bringing of good. Tonight she wore a leather thong around her neck and from it hung a medium sized amethyst stone. Other than her stone, she had her newly acquired shawl hanging down her back.

When Ulilohi called for the tribe, Shanta had been in a near by patch of forest. She knew that The ceremony would begin soon and she kept close. As she neared the gathering wolves, she looked up to Ulilohi, the massive female looked statuesque next to the Great Fire. Shanta stood and listened to the speech, her eyes on the fire as she watched the deer's tongue burn. Her mind began to knit together images to create the scene of the coming feasts. She felt herself smile at the thought of being able to meet with everyone once again. She hadn't meant to be gone for so long, but she had been, and it would take As the speech ended, Shanta's eyes returned to the she-wolf. Her face was still turned in a smile and she nodded her head as if in unnecessary approval.


Image courtesy of fras@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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