The needle-prick of restlessness had become more of a sledgehammer pounding on her head recently. Nothing could sate her yearning heart, nor could she understand the ache. It was like a hunger she could not feed, a thirst she could not slake. Perhaps it was just the spring approaching: the earth's deep pull inside to awaken, begin living and growing once more.

Caprica could settle to nothing, no task nor pastime. Thoughts whirled in her head, half-formed. Something was nagging at her. Perhaps it was that long-ago decision she'd made to investigate the mysterious Salsola, which had almost eaten her sister, in her own words, that was. It hadn't seemed so important, up until now, when every little niggle in her mind had become a searing irritation. The dark lady was in an impulsive mood, and all but hauled her thankfully tolerant mare out of her stable to get her tacked up. Her horse quickly picked up on her mood, and became temperamental herself, spooking at moving branches and odd colour stones as they trotted through the Halcyon foothills. Caprica had no idea how long it would take, so she saved the mare's energy, keeping to a slow pace. When the pair came up against a skull-lined border of a pack, distinctively marked as one she'd heard called Inferni, the woman sighed out her frustration. The detour to the east took her away from her carefully measured North-Western line, and added time to the journey. The bay was better travelling, flat and open, and the horse appreciated the sense of freedom enough to open out into a slow canter. She had never navigated this way before and on her current line would have missed her destination completely, but to Caprica's fortune, a substantial figure showed on the horizon - a rather magnificent shape, made of two creatures and a billowing cloak, a silhouette on the wind.

Rohan's ears had pricked up. She champed on the bit, as if asking to be allowed to get nearer to the other horse. Caprica saw no reason why not, and perhaps the rider would give her directions. Closing her lower legs, she gave the horse her head and gritted her teeth as the gallop began. A pure thoroughbred, tall and muscular, Rohan could really run and her strength had only been improved by the frequent burden of her larger-than-average mistress. Caprica was still new to riding, and her posture wasn't entirely elegant as they galloped on a diagonal line to the mysterious rider... but the speed was exhilarating anyway and when Rohan's hooves hit the sand, skidded as she pivoted to join the trail behind the other horse, and she accelerated like the race-horse she could have been, Caprica found herself letting out an involuntary whoop of delight.

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