Journey's End?

`` D I S T U R B I A
nothing heard, nothing said, can’t even speak about it; on my life, on my head, don’t wanna think about it

ooc: I do have a question real quick. To choose a rank, I assume that the requried 20 IC posts begin after acceptance into the pack?

He had winced visibly when the blade ran through his hand, but the pain lasted only as long as the action itself. Oddly enough, the pain wasn’t the most dominant feeling of the ceremony. He wasn’t able to find the word for it until their fingers were laced together and the blood of both leader and follower slid down his fur and dripped to the floor.

Acceptance was what it was. He felt it stirring within himself, wreaking havoc on his emotions and clouding his mind with thoughts he could not make heads or tails of. It hit him in two ways: the first being that it was exhilarating. Knowing that he had found a new family to love and care for put Alduin in Cloud 9. There were many stories to hear, and so much of the land to explore. Everything was new, and fresh, and exciting! And he was young. Time, for now, wasn’t an issue to him. As far as he was concerned, he had Time in excess.

But that second half of acceptance was what was killing him inside. He had a new family, and would make new friends, and had new lands to scout and hunt on. It was all new, and he felt ashamed for it. He was throwing away everything he knew and loved before for something else. He was certain that others would tell him it was a good thing that he was moving on, but the memory of his parents yet lingered, haunting him at every turn and filling his mind with doubt. The change wouldn’t be as easy as some would expect.

Nevertheless, Alduin would make the best of it. When the ceremony came to a close, he mimicked Naniko and licked his wound clean, shuddering at the sight of the still-bleeding cut. It reminded him of far worse. But he moved on, pricking his ears forward to listening carefully to what his new Angela had to say. As she motioned for him to follow, he stood and went, deciding he would thank her properly after all was said and done.

I find myself with no words to describe my appreciation again, Miz D’Angelo. I would much prefer to live indoors,” he said quietly. His mind was still lost in the past. “One day, I will return the favor. For now, though, I have but one question for you.

He stood straight, chest out, and hands balled into fists at his side; but not to assert dominance—definitely not. He intended to display the sincerity in his coming words.

Madam, I do not care if this is a rank in the pack or not, but the most important thing I will do here is protect them. I will not allow the past to rear its ugly head. Not here, not to you and your family.” He spoke clearly and with a certainty that that would make even the most skeptical of creatures believe him. If his words weren’t enough, one would only have to look into his eyes and find the determination and eagerness to defend lying within.

release me from this curse i’m in; trying to maintain, but i’m struggling. put on your pretty lies, you’re in the city of wonder

template by revo. <3


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