Journey's End?

`` D I S T U R B I A
nothing heard, nothing said, can’t even speak about it; on my life, on my head, don’t wanna think about it

ooc; If it’s acceptable, Alduin will be taking den #2 =)

I would appreciate that, Miz D’Angelo,” he said, ever thankful and happy that the woman had allowed him a home. She had even offered him furs to start. He was beginning to wonder what kind spirit he ought to thank for stopping him at Anathema’s borders.

While the Angela explained bartering and her personal likings toward human objects, Alduin made sure to both listen intently and browse the open dens available to him. Many were occupied, but there were still some that craved that touch of a wolf’s creative mind. There were bare walls to decorate, adequate floor space for side tables and a bed, and perhaps even space for a small critter of his very own. The company would be nice. The Alaskan wolf’s eyes sparkled with delight as ideas flooded his mind. He couldn’t have been happier to have so much to do.

Not too long after Naniko had finished speaking, Alduin had chosen a den. It was close to the common room and close to an exit if he needed to get away for a while. He hoped for many wolves to pass so that he could stop them and converse. The desire to socializing was odd, but after everything that had happened, the idea of keeping occupied seemed rather appealing. So it was with a heavy heart that he turned to his Angela, pointing at the mouth of the den he had chosen.

If you do not mind, I would prefer this one here, ma’am. I think I’d like the sounds of chatter from the common area,” he said, hoping it wasn’t on reserve or anything of the sorts. He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, grinning away. “And, perhaps, it would help keep me from getting too lost in here. I don’t imagine I’ll have an easy time navigating the tunnels at first.

Admittedly, the inner workings of the mountain were intimidating. It would take Alduin many months to get used to them and learn them like the back of his hand. He had decided long ago, though, that it was going to be worth it. It already seemed like it was.

And then something hit him like a ton of bricks. The weight of his journey began to crush him, and his legs buckled beneath his shifted form. He began to think that turning hadn’t been his brightest of ideas. It had taken far too much out of him, and he was now beginning to remember to acknowledge the fatigue.

You have been very kind to me, my Lady,” he began, feeling terrible about what he was about to say. “However, I find it becoming increasingly difficult to stay standing—or awake, for that matter. Would you mind so terribly if I took the rest of the day to regain my strength?

He appeared ashamed for he’d said. After everything Naniko had done for him today, he had the gall to ask that things be cut short. Although he was sure that a woman in her position had better things to do than follow him around all day, he felt it was rude to end things so quickly. If he didn’t though, he would end up sleeping where he stood.

release me from this curse i’m in; trying to maintain, but i’m struggling. put on your pretty lies, you’re in the city of wonder

template by revo. <3


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