down to the river
She was silent, for there was nothing else she could be. The woman was right in a way, as a whole the clan accepted her but the whispers and looks were enough to cause the pygmy woman distress. She had lived her whole life to prove that she was worthy and yet little by little she felt that proof was not enough. She was hotwired with a need to survive, a will to prove herself and a destructive force that she had just begun to pick away the protective shell of.

Her grey lilac orbs watched the woman before she finally gave in. "I suppose it doesn't really matter.." but deep inside she knew that wasn't the truth of it. There would always be the need to prove herself.. if only to show herself what she can do, to offset her shortcomings in this life. She flapped a clawed hand at the notion and turned back to their problem at hand. The filling of their own needs and desires. To eat.

Zana was not generally a creature for polite social behavior and she proved it right then and there as she plopped down on the ground before her Lykoi kin. She pulled open the basket and glanced up at the other woman as she asked, slightly astonished. "Really? Never?" The smaller Lykoi had a thing for trying new meats and flavors, often in her youth she had discovered the hard way some meals were best left alone, but there were some that no matter how strange they looked she still savored their delightful taste. Crawfish were one of these tidbits.

The smaller woman cracked the shell open of the still living creature and pulled back the protective liner as she used a claw to fish out the delicious meat within. She presented her cousin of sorts with the findings as she spoke. "It's mild.. like fish, but not as fishy.. sweet and simple.. " She bit into one of the claws, holding it firmly closed, letting the shell crack and break in her maw as she sorted out the bits and pieces of exterior with her tongue, spatting them to the ground as she enjoyed the butter like meat hidden within.

"Too bad they are so small.. though there are larger once in the bay I hear..." she said with a slight sigh. So much work they were..

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