A Lone Wolfdog in a Sea of Luperci

kinda sucky. | +220


It was a thoughtful look on his face for a few moments while Ibycus considered the idea of getting a horse. Coming from a family that specialized in animal husbandry, there were many good reasons to having a horse with you, and Myrika specified one of the main reasons that having a horse would be beneficial, that they would increase the speed and range that one could travel in a given amount of time. But for now, he did not need a horse for traveling as he had no place to return to at the moment. I do not think I need a horse right now, I do not have a permanent home to return to. And I am not in any particular hurry to get to wherever I set my sights too.

The idea of writing ability being a commodity had not even occurred to him. He was aware that there were others that could read and write and those that were not taught how too. He considered the prospect that writing would be a prized skill. Si, I was taught to write in my youth, but have not practiced the skill as it was not one that animal husbandry required. He pondered a moment, I could practice my writing and improve it so I could use it for trade.


Ibycus "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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