Dug my way out of blood and fire
The golden eyed brute had returned from his own scouting expedition. He had found a small alcove, away from the mainly used routes. He had taken several small trinkets there, making sure that they wouldn't vanish by leaving less valuable things there. As they hadn't vanished yet, he felt comfortable to take several candles into the little alcove. He would begin setting up his shrine to his personal deities, the black butterflies. He knew they were angry, knew they were waiting for him to honor them by destroying more shadows. He pacified them with gifts of his blood, a blood-letting ritual that was at once moving and disturbing if a random stranger should see. His calf was freshly sore from new cuts, but bandaged to keep his mate from discovering his secret.

Thinking of his mate, he walked over to her and gave her a brief kiss as he glanced around the meeting area. He recognized Aeron, he recognized a few others. He could tell from posture some were more dominant than others. He glanced over the others, the strangers, unknowing and uncaring that some were related to him, however distantly.

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