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Selene felt her fur rise at the woman's words, was this a challenge? The anger riled up within the brown fae's heart, with a clip of her jaws she stood to the woman's heigtht with her sword drawn. "You are chalenging me? Why would you deliberately threaten me by trying to steal away a man that cares for me? I don't care that we are in the pack. Before I lose myself right here and now, I advise you get yor fucking head on straight." White teeth bared, Selene didn't even assess her mood and wonder why her temperment had changed. Allowing Ismeme to threaten her, and treat her like mere dirt was certainly not a way to go. Sel reminded herself she was better armed, better fighting with the help of her weapons. What had Hadley done? Betrayed her with this silver woman? She was close to tears, breaking like a fragile piece of glass in a room of falling bricks. Her world would come to an an end this way, and even in her standoffish stance, Sel trembled. "What did you do? Screw my lover or something?' This would not be tolerated...Not against her life.

She held the sword as close as she possibly could to the woman she had once thought as a friend. How intolerably grateful of Isa. How could he? After...After all she had sworn to him. This was...This was terrifyingly hurtful. As if her own sword was piercing her heart. "Let's see what you've got.' She hissed, losing her fight already to the premonitions.

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