if the futures been drawn out then nobody’s living
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He scoffed quietly to himself; he didn't think he was that good of a leader. Good at telling people what to do something, but other than that Laurel could have easily been just as good as being a needle in a haystack at times. Of course, he didn't really care for the term leader but it seemed like folks in those parts felt better if they knew who was in charge and why. So yeah, sure, leader worked. He sloshed what was left in his bottle around for a moment, listening to Nikita talk and pondering what all she had to say in the same old passive way.

It was her talk of going to meet up with the others that provoked him into downing the last of the liquor, his smile returning momentarily at the slur in her voice and the almost-tilt in the way she rose. “Yeah, it probably couldn't hurt. I doubt they're as ready to go as we are, but we'll find out soon enough.” He didn't have any idea of Laurent had been travelling around before they had reunited, but thought to ask the man later. Jasper seemed a little young to be as well travelled as his then coyote companion and the wolf with the accent had come from somewhere different altogether. “It'll be nice to get out of this city though. The concrete is starting to kill my feet.”


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