Life Was Beautiful

Love me always

Cerberus felt an odd warmth flicker inside of him as Insomnia huddled close and began cleaning his stitched and scabbing wounds. He winced at the tiny sting of pain that her stroking tongue roused, but eventually he was able to ignore it and it gave way to an unusual sort of relief. He sat still and quiet, awaiting the arrival of a higher-ranking wolf, all the while debating whether or not he should lift his head and howl again. But he kept his jaws shut tight, and held still so the wolfess could continue her work.

I am not too badly hurt, no, he finally said in answer to her worries. A little sore and quite a bit tired, but otherwise I’m fine. But I appreciate your concern. His mismatched eyes swiveled over to meet hers for a brief moment before they fell away again and stared out at the horizon. His entire being ached to return home, to see the familiar faces of his other packmates, and perhaps even interact with Insomnia in a more casual setting. But he wouldn’t push things – for one it seemed desperate, and for two he was far too tired. The young hybrid lowered his head to rest it on his paws, though slowly enough that he didn’t jar himself away from Insomnia’s soft, nursing tongue. The sun warmed his mottled fur and provided further comfort, and it was all he could do to keep from dozing off.


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