M-Reader's Pleasure
This is a series of AIM threads between me and Cody in an alternate universe with Amy and Shadowfang. It has been posted after one expressed interest in reading. Each post may be considered as a 'chapter' from a story. I apologize for the graphic nature, resulting from Amy's violent and lustful personality.

WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Emeric had taken Amy out to see how he handled the slaves he sold. The pup hadn't stayed still for long though. After watching her father yelling at the slaves, admiring the powerful way he asserted control, Amy wandered off. She might be the heiress to an empire, but she was still young and bored by the politics of such a thing. She hadn't even had her first shift yet.

Sniffing along the docks Amy traveled among the fishermen, wondering if she would be able to get fresh fish to eat. They recognized her as Emeric's daughter, and treated her with respect. One, trying to get in a deal with the Sunders family, even pulled the pup aside and fed her a particularly large fish. Happy with this Amy set to her meal, unaware of the fact that not everyone out there liked the Sunders family, and would treat her with such kindness. Behind, a killer rose, moving for his task of killing the Sunders children so the Bailtzers could take their place.

Shadow waited in the shadow underneath one of the venders and he tailed another wolf that was following some young pup name Amy. He knew of the family Amy was part of and knew that through fear they had gained lots of respect but he also knew of the other group that wanted that entire blood line wiped out and Shadow himself didn't really care who was killing who, he just knew that this guy was going to attack and he would get some fun out of the situation. Shadow moved from one shadow to the next and like his father beat into him, he made no sounds. He kept moving until he saw the wolf pull a knife out of his belt and then he raised his hand and knew this was his time to shine!

He jumped out from the closest shadow and went high as his fangs caught the hand and the knife in it and he bit down hard as he heard some cracks of some bones and knew that the hand he had bitten was now out of commission. He was flailed about and he let go at the perfect time to do a back flip and he landed on all fours and he growled and made a small bark and he spoke." Right hand gone...now for the killing blow...." He lowered as he waited for the man to attack but rather than attack he turned and fled and shadow thought it was his doing but behind him members of Amys family were coming and the sight of them had made the guy run. " Yeah run chicken!!! no one messes with Shadowfang, blade of the night!"

Amy had missed the beginning of the fight, but she sure turned around quickly enough at the sound of bone breaking. It was a noise she was already familiar with, having seen her relatives injure others that stood in the way. They had kept the four month old puppy from seeing death yet, but that wouldn't be long in coming. Amy watched, impressed at the expert movements of the black wolf. She had no idea her life had been in trouble. In her innocent world everyone liked her, and took care of her. There was no reason for harm.

The back flip was incredibly impressive, as was the speech. Amy's tail wagged wildly with excitement as she watched for the warrior wolf to defeat the enemy. Instead the stupid creature beat a retreat, leaving Amy to whine with disappointment. The fight had been so good. "Amy!" Turning the pup saw Kiet coming for her, angry that she'd wandered off.

Kiet scooped up the bundle of blond fur, who immediately set to complaining about not being done with her fish and talking about how amazing the Blade of the Night was, and how he had fought with him. Kiet looked over the young wolf, slightly reserved. After a while he shrugged, reaching out to shake his hand. "It seems you've saved my sister's life. I owe you thanks. Come have dinner as payment?"

Shadow smiled proudly and nodded quickly. " Of course I would! I would be-" "Shadow!!!" The howled echoed out as Shadow's father walked from a shadow of a building and he was glaring at his son. He walked over and grabbed Shadow by the scruff and and yanked him up and with a yelp Shadow's ears fell to his head and his tail tucked under him as he looked to his father and whimpered." I'm sorry Father....I...was only..." "Silence! I watch the whole thing, You know you are never to leave my side and that to do so requires punishment!" Shadow lowered his head as his father hit him across the face and fingernails and connected and blood came from his face and his eyes was almost hit.

" Forgive us but my son....will not be able to make it to the dinner, I am glad he saved your pup but I have rules, I assume you understand." Shadows father looked to the other adult and nodded lightly in respect and then turned holding shadow in his hand as if he were a pelt and Shadow looked in Amy's direction and his eyes said it all. Shadow never had a friend and he was hoping for one that day but his father and destroyed that dream and now he would be punished even worse that what had been seen.

The black wolf quickly agreed to the dinner, Kiet standing solidly. Amy watched the male with interest, wondering what it was like to be such an amazing warrior. Seeing someone come out, so quickly silencing Shadowfang, brought a growl from the pup. She didn't like seeing the one that she considered so powerful being treated with all the care and respect as a slave. Both of the family members knew a punishment will follow the actions. To treat a family member as a slave, especially one with that high caliber of worth, was extremely distasteful.

Amy watched them walk away, ears drooping. If only he could have stayed. Amy liked him. He could have gone on all kinds of adventures with her. Turning to Kiet Amy spoke up quietly. "Can I have him? Can you buy Shadowfang so he can be my friend?" Kiet chuckled at the naive words, shaking his head. "There's no point in dealing with such a dynamic. You can meet someone with much higher worth. That family will probably be wiped out in a couple years. You'll see." Disappointed to have her request turned down the spoiled princess watched them walk away, wishing she could help him.

The days passed, and Amy was happy in her world, the young black wolf she had met forgotten except on occasion when she would watch a fight. Occasionally she flinched as a slave was struck, seeing the father strike his son. It was wrong, and she knew it. Amy would grow powerful though, and then she would be able to save him.

That night though, everything changed. Following the scent of blood Amy entered her sister's room, finding her brother standing over her. Amy's sister's throat was torn out, blood dripping down his dark fur. Eyes gleamed feverishly as he lunged towards Amy, intent on killing her as well. Emeric and Miyu came running at the panicked cries of their pup, and carried her away to safety. Amy's safe world was shattered, never to be the same again.

To be Continued

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