[J] Two Minutes to Midnight

I been all night drivin' heifers

Closer in to lower ground

Then I spent the mornin' thinkin'

'Bout the ones the wolves pulled down

Word Count → 226

The wolf remarked on his injury, and Wayne no longer saw any reason to hide what had happened not many weeks past. “Some raiders came, wanted t’ take our horses,” he explained with a scowl. “But we’re pack fulla warriors; they ain’t coming back. I prolly got the worst of it outta us, really.” He rubbed his shoulder then turned as the caramel-colored Luna padded toward them, dipping his head in acknowledgment and patting the paint’s neck as she turned her head at the smell of horses on the woman’s pelt.

Anann introduced herself in greeting, and the dusty-colored mongrel smirked faintly as Tamhas fidgeted and spoke awkwardly. He wouldn’t tease the loner, though; he was even worse with words and had been used to being more or less solitary before he and Dixie had joined the pack.

“Says he’s got decent fightin’ skills,” Wayne told Anann. “Along with bein’ able to hunt and track. Plenty of potential.” He spared the dark wolf a wink and clicked his tongue; Gypsy took a few steps back and half turned. He and the female Guida had been through this process enough times to know what information to offer her, and he wasn’t sure there was anything else they’d discussed that would be useful to know. Fondling one of the mare’s ears, he waited for her assessment and dismissal.

Wayne by Nat; table code from the Mentors!

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