A Taste of Insanity


http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/9086/cebtable.jpg);width:400px;height:150px;border:1px solid black;">

It took Cerberus a moment or two to get over the initial shock that amounted from his dream. However, Shadow served as a decent distraction once he took the time to notice he was sitting there. Cerberus turned his gaze on the night-pelted wolf, his chest heaving in a cycle of deep breaths. Though the wolf hadn’t yet revealed his name to the hybrid, Ceri knew by the canine’s bi-colored eyes that this was the infamous Shadowfang, mate to Insomnia. The whole situation had been quite a thing of question to Cerberus ever since he heard of it – he thought that only Zalen and Titania were allowed to mate. But he didn’t fancy dabbling in the affairs of others, so he held his tongue. Now, face to face with the handsome wolf, he sized him up with his own bi-colored eyes, and then sat back on his haunches as well. It was…an odd dream, he said in answer to Shadow’s question. And I’m fitting in fine, I think.

As a result of his recent demotion, Cerberus found himself immediately lowering his gaze and flattening his ears against his head. While he knew that perhaps it wasn’t required for him to submit to EVERY pack member, he didn’t want to risk placing himself in any worse regards in the eyes of his packmates. Cerberus was the type of wolf that, when reprimanded, would adhere to his punishment with the utmost obedience until it had passed.

With a flick of his bushy tail, Cerberus wrapped the fluffy appendage tightly around his body, seeing as he couldn’t exactly tuck it between his legs while sitting. He’d overheard something about Blind finding a brother in Shadow, but even hearing her name had caused some of the pain to resurface, so that was the extent of the information he learned. A closer look at Shadow confirmed the suspicion that they could in fact be siblings – they looked enough alike. Questions then began flooding the coywolf’s brain: What was it like growing up with Blind? What caused them to separate? What happened when they were reunited? But he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to stir up any tattered emotions at such an early point in their meeting. So, instead, Cerberus decided to take a different route: Shadowfang, do you know much about humans?


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