A Taste of Insanity

OOC: I dunno why, but I felt like not using a table for some reason o.O Perhaps to match Ceri's absentmindedness? haha


An odd numbness washed over Cerberus as he sat, listening to Shadowfang speak. The deep, lulling voice of the other man calmed him into a sense of peace, one that he hadn't felt in a long time. He could hear every swoosh of the trees as they danced in the breeze, every chortle of a bird up past its bed time, and every cricket that bounded through the jungles of grass beneath them. A very serene look touched his features then, and he inhaled...then exhaled...and turned to look at Shadow.

"Perhaps it was an angel," he said, shrugging his shoulder ever so slightly. "I don't know what one looks like, but it would probably look like her if I imagined one." His brows suddenly pinched together as he tried to remember the face of the woman, every detail. But it escaped him, and he was left with nothing more than the memory of the white abyss that had surrounded him before she arrived.

At the mention of a bear, Ceri's peace was immediately shattered and he turned to Shadowfang with a shocked expression on his face. "Wh-why would you want to hunt a bear?" he stammered, his ears swiveling back to lie flat against his skull. Then, he realized that perhaps Shadow didn't know what had happened to him and Blind...perhaps he hadn't heard the news. Surely it had to have gotten to him by now, seeing as most knew and would surely spread it. With a light shake of his head, Ceri frowned. "I will go hunting with you, but not for bear. Not ever for bear."


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