A date tonight!

WC:510-Permission from Raine given to PP Sophie and Boothe

The grey male walked along the familiar paths that dotted along their den site, with two very curious puppies behind him. In one hand he held a bunch of fresh march flowers, they were a mixture of several different flowers that together made a grand display, at least he thought so, little Sophie thought it was too small and Boothe could have cared less about the flowers, or the reasoning behind them. He grumbled to himself before Sophie would bat at him. Saluce just ignored him, soon the young boy would find himself doing things he never thought he’d do for the fairer sex, things that never really made any sense until he himself had someone to love but for now Saluce could only smirk at his objections.

The behemoth lead the trio toward the den, Salvador had been growing reasonably well and they had done well to erase any brainwashing his former home may had imparted on his young mind. It was good they had recovered him so young, if he had stayed long enough he could have very easily grown up with evil being imparted on him. Saluce looked back to the two young wolves, having joined him walking on two feet, Sophie herself carried a smaller handful of flowers, ones he had made sure Boothe had picked out, despite his objections. It was a valuable lesson, one he hoped he learned very well, swallowing your pride to do things for someone else, a lesson he hadn’t learned as well as he thought he had such a short time ago.

“So you two going to behave? And look after Salvador? You two are old enough now that it’s time to start giving you two some responsibility. If you do a good job we will try and find something to reward you with? “ He asked and he watched as they both went through their very different responses, he knew the young pup was in good hands but part of him wanted them to know just how important this job was.

“When X’y gets back with him, you are free to take him short distances from the den, but when it gets dark I want all three of you back to the den.” He gave Boothe a knowing look, “You better protect them too” he added with a smirk knowing that the boy would in the end puff his chest out and claim his masculinity. He had arranged all this without X’y’s knowledge, well that wasn’t entirely true, he was sure Sophie might have said something already with the way X’y looked at him earlier that day.

“Now do you two know what to do if something happens?” he said as he kneeled down in front of them, both of their little adolescence bodies shook their heads enthusiastically. “Good, have fun today, there should be some dried food in the back of the den if you get hungry.” He was trying to cover every little basis, to make sure no stone was left unturned but it was almost impossible.

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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