Casa Springish News

Casa Springish News!

Policies Reminder

PLEASE read through our policies page on our website again. Only members of the Famiglia rank tier or higher may post in a joining thread. Only one member is needed to greet a joiner at a time so please do not post to a joining thread if it has already been responded to.

What up with all you Famiglia rank holders?

Remember that when you reach Famiglia ranks you may work towards, and are strongly encouraged to work towards,a co-rank, ambassadorship and/or joining The Brotherhood.

All of these positions hold great value to the pack! Your co-rank shows all members what your skill based job is, or it can be a dedicated hobby.

Ambassadors are needed to help strengthen bonds between other packs and Casa, right now all packs are divided between Jazper and Anann ICly making it very difficult for us to concentrate on any one pack specifically as well as spreading ourselves thin with pack relations threads.

All members of The Brotherhood are highly respected above all but the upper Corpo ranks, the Mani, and the Leadership. This is a great opportunity if you have had some fighting based threads and would like your character to earn more IC prestige.

All of these opportunities have thread requirements but I think you would be surprised with how many requirements you have already filled. Please remember that missions, our Raid thread, and your mandatory training threads can count towards your requirements! Unfortunately any "thread with a leader" requirements only consist of small group threads and one on ones.


Everyone has been doing an amazing job with the raid thread! Keep up the good work and remember that you need not wait for others to post to continue your own characters struggles. Remember to keep the content of your posts realistic but most of all have a little fun and develop your character. Feel free to have some post-raid healing and pack member connection threads with others.

Mandatory Training

Tony, Fia, Selene, Sebastian, Regner!

Upon entering the Famiglia ranks you are required to have a thread with your mandatory training. This thread must have at least 3 post by YOU in it in order for you to rank up. Please send the Casa account the link to your mandatory training thread so we know if we can promote you this month. If you have yet to complete the requirements for this thread we will unfortunately be unable to give you a promotion, regardless of if you have earned it.

Remember that it is your responsibility to know the requirements for each rank. Please review our ranks page ont he website. Mandatory training threads are required upon entering the Famiglia tier and the Corpo tier (2 total over time) and it it required that you earn a co-rank in order to advance past Tronco in the Corpo tiers (though obviously we encourage you to get a co-rank before this).

Do ya' all earn Game Points?

Please remember to submit game points via the pack maintenance threads in the "Pack News' forum. The majority of people have yet to submit any points even though you can earn some awesome prizes!

Spring Construction Projects

Casa has made it through the winter and now its time to really start making the most of our lands with a few constructions that will really help the pack come into it's own. These projects won't begin until after Easter, so keep your eyes open for more info coming soon, but for now here is taste of what is to come.

First and foremost will be the construction of the barn and stables for storing the tack and providing a few stalls for the horses. Cavalierites will also be asked to help build a few training rings scattered about the pack lands to be used for training and demonstration purposes.

Houses are also now available to be claimed! However, keep in mind that houses do require a few points to claim and all building will require some repair before they are truly livable!

An early introduction to upcoming PNPC's

Katie has been working on some ideas for PNPC's for the pack. What she has come up with is three PNPC's, hailing from her homeland of Tosawi. Each has a valuable and unique skill trade that will add more variety to Casa di Cavalieri. Each of the PNPC's will be given a shop in the town square from which pack members can obtain the goods the will provide. Also note that this PNPCs are also Adoptable!


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