Listen to Your Elders
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Kace Grey
OOC Text - Working on a template, my knowledge of HTML is so limited, tell me what you think?
Word Count - 289.

Kace could only stare wide eyed in an incredulous stupor at the magnificent she-wolf. Her jaw had long since lowered at the mention of a cougar, a beast the pup had only once heard her father speak of. You...You're a Cougar Killer! She fell to her rear, still blinking, images of a deadly cat and a ferocious wolf painted in her mind. Kace's voice was quiet as she tried to imagine herself as a vicious warrior. Maybe one day I can fight like that...All I've fought is a sparrow. And those things are evil little buggers! Beaks hurt!

The pup leaped onto the bed next to Terra, her head tilted. I hope your leg heals! You gotta take me fighting! Kace erupted into giggles again, now distracted by Terra's swaying tail. The little one was careful not to touch the injured leg. I hurt my leg once, but I just fell off a rock. Rocks are mean if they're wet, ya know! Rolling onto her back the pup sneezed, looking at Terra upside down. I also hope you don't gotta get hurt again. It's not fun. I'd be all sad if I couldn't run around and chase stuff. Specially butterflies. I love those things. You ever think about flying? I don't. I don't like heights.

Kace's head tilted again and she chose to lay on her stomach, crawling up beside the older wolf. Forgot to say it's nice to meet ya! I love stories. I ain't got a lot yet, but it'd be fun to be a story teller. I'll call your story Terra the Cougar Killer! She grinned and let her tail hang off the bed. What should we call the cougar? Even bad guys need names!

Love is my strength, passion is my weapon, faith is my shield, and trust is my companion.

template by revo. <3


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