Listen to Your Elders
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Kace Grey
OOC Text -
Word Count - 223.

The pup grinned widely and hopped beside the bed, searching with her nosy golden eyes for a good place to bite the blanket. You'll just need help until you're better silly! No one wants someone to do everything for them all the time. 'Sides I'd get tired of ya. Kace let out a quiet giggle, knowing she was kidding. She liked helping others and would never grow weary of supporting someone who needed it.

The white furry muzzle of the pup clamped down onto the covers at the end of the bed, away from Terra. Pulling with what little might she had, Kace was successful in pulling the top couple blankets down. She sat on them, trying to secure some tension so it would be more like a slide. Just remember to land on your butt, not your leg, right? Kace giggled again and laid down on the blanket, her light body barely keeping the it in place.

HEY! Skoll promised I'd have some DEER! Have you ever had deer? Kace's sudden outburst caused her body to leap to her feet, tail wagging furiously. I've never even seen one, and I know you said moose earlier but I dunno what those are either. I like fish. When I take Skoll to learn, you gotta come learn with him! I'll be an awesome teacher!

Love is my strength, passion is my weapon, faith is my shield, and trust is my companion.

template by revo. <3


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