Not all sunshine and happiness

The first day was over. And yet they didn't seen any closer to their destination, so far they had come and yet so far they still had to go. The children were mostly upset, Honrin still refused to speak to her which hurt the hybrid woman more than she cared to admit even to herself. Setting up camp for a few hours was an arduous task, as both horses had to be uncarted and then food would have to be found, firewood gathered, children organised. In the small scale chaos nobody noticed Keldava wondering off into the leafed bushes.

It wasn't until a childish cry of determination reached her ears that she realised she was a child short. A feeling of dread trickled down her spine as she straightened up from the fire she had been feeding. She was already through their small camp and pushing aside brances when the cry came again only this time as a loud whine of distress, a furious spitting noise followed after it. She struggled to free herself of the close pressed branches a snarl pulling up from her chest. Finally she threw herself over to her violent tendencies and ripped at the branches with her teeth and claws, tearing down saplings that stood in her way.

She all but fell into the situation, strewn with tattered leaves and bit's of wood. A deep growl pulled from her chest as she and the bobcat stared at each other. The smaller feline hissed at her, unafraid of her larger size and darted forwards towards Keldava again, intent on giving the pup one last lesson. Jace was faster though and her teeth found purchase, sinking deep into flesh, coppery blood spilling onto her tongue. Sharp daggers of pain sunk into her muzzle as the cat instead turned to swipe at herself, now the bigger threat.

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