el imperio en el que nunca se pone el sol


Ithiel is by me!

The afternoon air was strangely still and quiet. The dusky coyote tilted his head and listened with his overlarge, dark ears -- though the faint sounds of spring were in the air, calling birds and the fainter noises of insects, the earth seemed quieter than it should have been. The dark man did not at first perceive this as unease -- rather, the man simply took it as a sign of an incoming storm. Thunderstorms were frequent during these months, he knew -- not from having experienced multiple springs, but from a simpler, almost instinctual knowledge imparted on him.

The dusky coyote's patrols took him around the border, as always, and he passed into the woods, Lystra's pace decreasing with the close-pressing forest. The chestnut mare tossed her head and snorted, and the Caelum narrowed his eyes, peering around the forest. Here, too, it seemed overly silent -- even where life usually teemed. The dark man was suddenly aware of a new scent on the wind, one he did not recognize. They stank of wood and smoke and fire, and worst of all -- wolf.

The dark man wheeled his horse along the same path the strangers had cut through the forest -- signs of their passing were now more apparent to him, and he goaded his horse faster along their trail. She snorted and obeyed, darting around one tree and then the next. Ithiel leaned forward to duck a particularly low-hanging branch and was still battered in the face by leaves, though he'd closed his eyes to protect them and suffered no injury as a result of the tree.

The mansion loomed before him, and the dark man saw the gate hanging open -- strangers charged through it and toward the pair of coyotes standing in wait, in defense of the clan. He recognized neither, though he shot a look of incredulity at the short-statured one. His attentions were quick to return to the intruders even as he charged toward them from behind, bringing the reins to his teeth and an arrow to his bow even as he did so. Both carried shields; one was cloaked, and the other was simply massive -- he wielded two swords and seemed to notice Ithiel. Grinning broadly, the big wolf split off from his companion, barking an instruction or an acknowledgement at his companion, and turned to face Ithiel.

The dusky wolf had no sword -- he could not hope to face the man in close quarters. His only hope was to keep Lystra away from him. The big mare seemed to know what Ithiel required of her, for she sped up and ran faster along the beaten path leading away from the mansion. Ithiel twisted in his saddle, drawing back his arrow. He loosed, and the big man jerked in his saddle. The arrow sailed past the big wolf and Ithiel snarled, drawing his lips away from the reins. They were still secured in his teeth, and the man reached for another arrow, goading Lystra with his legs even as he did so.

The big wolf's horse was similar in stature to Ithiel's own mount -- big of bone and not particularly fast. She was younger than Lystra, and her breeding had given her longer legs -- but her rider was quite a bit heavier than Ithiel. He was gaining, but not quickly. As Lystra's pace increased, so did the distance between them. Nevertheless, Ithiel aimed and let fly with another arrow, leaning in the saddle and pressing hard with one leg so Lystra might understand his command. She did, and began a broad turn, circling back toward the mansion. He would not meander too far from his fellows.

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