[p] the sun was rising in the south

This is part III of the Ichika-Salsola conflict. Salvador Sadira is being exchanged for Magnolia in this thread. I am being SUPER vague about Tlantli's followers, just in case.

  • Setting: Halifax, along the water
  • Date: 18 March
  • Participants: Salsola (Eris, Odessa, Lana) and Ichika no Ho-en (X'yrin, Jace, Saluce).
  • Post Order: None -- post when you can! Note, as the conversations in this thread take place primarily between the leadership of InH and SL, we'll be moving pretty quickly to get things done and over with.

Tlantli is by Alaine!

Tlantli knew why she had been chosen for this mission. She was a strong fighter and she was capable of protecting those of Salsola who accompanied her -- but she was also chosen because she was expendable. The yellow-furred woman was no great loss to Eris Eternity and Sirius Revlis -- this was made abundantly clear in the manner delivery they'd used for her orders. Molcaxitl, the slave woman of Eris, had come to Tlantli with the child Eris had been keeping and instructions. This was no way to deliver instructions to one trusted with such a duty of Salsola, and in a fit of anger, Tlantli had nearly refused. Her cooler nature prevailed, however, and the tawny woman soon found herself resigned to her duties.

Now, the yellow-furred woman sat the brown horse, Misty. She would have preferred Trader, but she'd roped the gelding behind her mount instead, saving the easiest horse for Magnolia. The buckskin horse and this brown one worked well together, she noticed -- it was likely a consequence of their long time together in Salsola. Both the gray and white horses within the stables were bigger, harder horses, and Tlantli had no interest in wrestling with them. She hadn't the extensive experience required to ride such a horse as Blanche or her grizzled companion, Róta.

The creaking of Halifax's old wood, old metal, old concrete, old everything was apparent to her ears, first and foremost. The city did not sound like the forest. Though she could hear scurrying and movement here and there, the scrabble of creatures' claws on concrete and asphalt sounded far different from the rustling of leaves in a forest. Even the water sounded different here, washing endlessly against the old piers and rock pilings humans made in attempt to tame the ocean.

Her horse snorted and pawed at the earth before her, and Tlantli made a shushing sound, patting the horse on the shoulder. This area smelled approximately right -- the old scents of Sirius and other wolves she did not recognized lingered here. The yellow-furred woman tossed a look back toward her companions, and swung her horse around. The child was old enough to understand what was going on, but he was wonderfully complacent. Tlantli thought Odessa might have something to with that -- perhaps the silver-tinged woman had given him something to calm him, at Eris's command? If that was the case, such knowledge had not been imparted to Tlantli.

The flaxen coyote dismounted from her horse and passed the reins to one of her companions, taking up the child in her arms instead. She set him down on the ground beside her and told him to sit down. Standing there, she felt much a fool -- she was a simple creature, bound to the Colotl ranks, after all. Necessity dictated she perform her duty -- she was not yet ready to depart from Salsola. She needed more time. Scowling, the coyote peered down at the wolfish little child, cocking her head at him.

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