Pushing back memories took time. Lost in that instant where Akira was still alive, Tharin pulled himself away, trying to avoid the memories of the infection that stole her life. Fayne's words brought him back down to earth, and he watched with surprise as Fayne wandered off. It took him a few moments to focus on the small shrew that was nearby. So she was hunting. The concentration that rose off the silvery wolf was amusing for Tharin. It was easy prey for the hunter, he could already see how to catch it. He hadn't quite figured out that she wasn't the hunter he'd taken her for, thinking that she also hadn't paid attention in stories.

The pounce was very awkward, causing her ability to click in his mind. Her happy yelps brought a cheerful wag from him. She was so silly, just like a pup the way she carried the kill back. It was dropped down at his feet, offered over to him. He nodded his head, slightly surprised that she couldn't hunt. Thank you. He picked up the shrew, swallowing it down quickly. It made a nice snack. Her giggle was rather charming, earning her a bright grin from him. Thank you.

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