Tied Together
A giant smile spread across Isa's face, bringing an answering grin from Hadley. Love your smile! Smiles means good company. Everyone will be happy. You...are amazing company. Yes, she was so incredible. There was a reason for it, he just couldn't remember what it was. Something...something about her, very unique and special. He looked at her thoughtfully, eyes studying her slim form. You are something, you know that? If only he knew what the something was. Thinking was very hard. Hadley finished off the vodka, emptying it into his mouth. It was sweet and burning, so good.

Her soft arms wrapped around Hadley's body. Drunk as he was Hadley leaned into her arms, part of his weight going onto her before leaning back, pulling her up with him. A soft kiss was pressed to his lips, sending him licking his lips, wishing for more. It was so good. Isa pulled back apologizing, but Hadley couldn't remember why he shouldn't have liked that. Hadley protested a little as she finished off the vodka, silencing as whiskey was brought back. That was just as good. Taking the bottle he swallowed some down before deciding to share, his mouth full of alcohol pressed to hers.

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