[M]When Shadows Meet
Shadows words were meaningless to her now, barely even reaching her ears. She no longer cared what he had to say. For him to make a promise like he had, disappear, and then take another when she had already been so broken, pushed her over the edge. Thana no longer cared what he, or anyone else did; she would never trust another as she had trusted Shadow.

Her expressionless stare seemed to pain him, good, he should know what he had done to her. She would no longer be the happy, free-spirited Thana Shadow used to know. She would become the coldhearted killer she had been trained to be. She would give herself her assassin mark, like the one Thanatos wore, the one she was unable to receive before leaving with her sister.

Her one good eye watched as Shadow sunk to his knees. Thana scoffed at him and pulled out her dagger, pressing it against his throat just enough for a few drops of blood to seep out onto the tip of her dagger. She pulled it away from his neck, licking the tip of the dagger and tasting the few drops of blood before snickering at him. ”Get up. I’m not going to kill you, it would be too easy. You may live with knowing what you made me.” She forced him up onto his feet and stared him down. ”Get the fuck out of my face. Come near me again and I’ll take that pelt from you like I tried to when we first met.” She would do it too, she used to kill other canines and take their pelts as a prize, using them as her blankets instead of other animal hides. She kept her three favorites in the saddlebag on Abbadon’s back. Remembering her horse, she let out a low howl and he soon came galloping over to her. She threw her leg over the stallions massive body and quickly, the two of them disappeared into the trees and out of sight, leaving Shadowfang there.

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