Spotlight and Community Soul Archive
Spotlights for August 2010

Spotlight Soul

Element the cat has been awarded August's Spotlight Soul and is the first Creature to receive the honor! Since arriving in late June, this feline has made his way around ‘Souls and offered unique experiences for canines not used to finding intelligence and sophistication in other species. As a cat, Element may be unable to participate in packs, but this hasn't stopped him from trying to learn more about them while searching and grieving for his dead comrade, Flower. In many ways, Element has proved that it's still possible to survive as a cat in a world dominated by canines.

Community Soul

Fy'Ra has been awarded August's Community Soul. As a newer member to the board, Fy'Ra has really taken it upon herself to dive into the community head-first. Very outgoing and fun to talk to OOCly, she's tried her hand at making people tables in addition to pumping out very long and thoughtful posts on a regular basis and working towards being even more active through Dahlia da Mai's pack game.


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