Spotlight and Community Soul Archive
Spotlights for March 2011

Spotlight Soul

Selene D'Angelo (Sylvey) of Anathema is a long-time member of 'Souls, and she's extremely active within her pack -- not only does she pick up joining threads, she helps her leaders with their plans, plots, and in general. She works hard in her rank and makes an effort to make herself available to other players for plots. Keep up the awesome, Sylvey!

Community Soul

Sunny (Skye Collins of Cercatori d'Arte, Element of the Creatures, and Fia Knight-Marino of Crimson Dreams) hasn't been a member of 'Souls for an extremely long time, but in the time she's been with us, she has done really awesome things, including co-founding Cercatori d'Arte, which has been a great success thus far. Sunny always makes herself available to help out in any area she can -- not only has she recently volunteered to assist on the Mentorship program, she's always willing to lend a hand or a kind ear! You rock, Sunny!


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