Spotlight and Community Soul Archive
Spotlights for October 2011
Spotlight Soul

Vesper (Raze) of the Loners is a posting machine! Although still somewhat new to 'Souls, Raze has extended her character out to others openly. Her character Vesper is also a fun and realistic character and her posts are a joy to read. She is involved in many plots, which is much harder to do as a Loner, and so Raze is pretty rare in having a Loner character nominated to Spotlight Soul, let alone winning it! Congrats, Raze, and keep up the good work!

Community Soul

Jace (Jace) has been a consistently active member of 'Souls for about a year now -- she plays various characters and makes an effort to put herself out there to plot with others with each of them! Specifically, her leadership in Anathema wished to commend her on excellent member-to-leader communication: recently, Jace and some packmates came up with a plot in the pack, and was not only very forward and communicative with her leadership, she was very receptive to concerns about its realism and came up with something to satisfy all involved parties! She is exemplary in this manner, and all members should also strive to emulate her friendly demeanor. Jace is awesome and we're lucky to have such a member!


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