Good Morning
The meal was eaten in relative silence, both content to concentrate on swallowing the meat down. It was good, satisfying his hunger. Remembering his promise to fix the house up for her Hadley looked around. The repairs he would have to make were fairly extensive. He would have to remove the glass that had broke, fix up the doors, find rotten wood and replace it so it would be safe for her. He wished she wouldn't stay here, living in the pack instead with everyone else. It was better that way. The house wasn't part of the territory, and with all the time she spent there he couldn't help but wish that it was.

Licking his hands clean he looked over to Isa, smiling softly. It had been nice running into her, but Hadley wasn't ready to return yet. Staying with her was tempting, but it wouldn't help her. I guess I'll be going then. His words were rather offhand, not sure what to say or do. Breakfast was good. Reaching up an arm Hadley rubbed awkwardly at the back of his neck. I'll come back to the pack when I can. You'll stay safe until then, right?

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