in the background

me too me too! I should have some drawings to send to you of them, soon >Big Grin >> Word Count: 3+

Sirius by Nat

He was aware of her opinion on slavery, just as he was aware of most topics regarding the golden-haired beauty. She intrigued him, and Sirius had done what he did best - Learned, manipulated. Casual discussions on slavery had inducted her into this world, where it was a common thing, an accepted thing. Social conditioning was just as powerful as any sword; Although Clover might not have been an advocate of his treatment of these lesser beings, nor did she openly oppose it, not to him.

In Sirius' mind, slavery was not an evil; To the wicked monarch, there were simply lesser beings in this world, lesser canids that were born to fulfill a role best suited to their natures and capabilities. Salsola had a need of laborers, a need of servants, and why pay for such services when they could simply take them? It was the natural progression of the predator, to no longer hunt just for food, but to hunt for possessions also. The possession of another's life, another's existence, was a valuable thing. If Clover had thought to preach the ills of his ways, her sweet tunes would have fallen on deaf ears.

Narrowed pupils watched her progress into the room, dotingly following each delicate curve as she moved, infinitely elegant. Saliva pooled in his mouth, and the King swallowed slowly, content to allow his gaze to roam as his mind did likewise. He was not consciously aware of the hormonal changes within him, or within her; Nor was he openly pondering his desire for offspring, for reproduction, for heirs. It was simply the course of nature pulsing through his warm blood, and she was the perfect victim - Perhaps, he had known when he had selected her and swept her away so long ago, that the time would come when he would need the beautiful Clover Love Lykoi for such a purpose.

Her voice, such sweet birdsong, cooed quietly into the still air as delicate tawny fingers retrieved his bone comb and polished, tarnished mirror. Light golden eyes, such a pure and wondrous color, lifted to meet his own toxic gaze. The peacock monarch's black lips twitched, and he shifted his posture in the chair, straightening so that it was clear that his entire attention was upon her. This was different - Most days he would remain lazily slumped in that throne, allowing her to do with his long dark locks as she pleased, while his mind raced a million miles away on questions and concerns infinitely more important than the dim light and protection of this round castle chamber.

"No, not today," He said slowly, voice a long, warm drawl. "Put those down, and come here. I want to look at you," It was an odd request, but he smiled as he spoke, his expression unalarming and mild. It would not do to alert her to the hunger inside of him - He had no desire to frighten her, after all. One hand gestured to the empty space before his throne, beckoning her to leave his belonging and come nearer.

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