M- I didn't start the fire
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.



She still trying to figure out what to do with her days, she did not have children to care for and she didn’t want to step upon Aeron’s feet by taking over the mothering part to Adwen. After all she had been on her own for so long without the help of another, and she was doing a wonderful job.

Charm adored her life with Aeron, but there was that feeling of being lost. The female was well respected by the members in the lands, she had a child..she seemed to have everything. It was like a nasty slap to the Sawtooth females face, after all she had lost her litter do to letting the soft brown female know that she was loved deeply by the Sawtooth female, then Charm paid the final price for her love to the coyote, she had lost the mate that her Aunt wanted her to be with, to give the warrior of her Aunt’s pack, her first and forever born litter. Though Charm loved Aeron with all her heart, she questioned if Aeron loved her, or brought her here because she was damaged.

Rubbing the arm that Aeron had tenderly taken the time to bandage up; she walked out of the house looking around at the spring time ground, the flowers where coming up, the female sighed as she sat down and then rolled over and picked up a flower, as she plucked the pelts from the flower, one by one. ”She loves me, she loves me not…She loves me, she loves me not.” The female recited pulling them off one by one, till she got down to just the one.”She loves me not…” She sighed softly as she threw the steam to the side. ”I should have known that was going to happen. Oh Aeron…I love you so much…I wish you knew how much I love you…I really wish you could see it.” She spoke softly as she stood back up as she looked around the area she was in.


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