Each shade of blue is kept in our eyes
Grrrrl that Anatole art is so fine. His design is so pretty <3
[/html]Anatole had grown since Tayui had last seen him. Of course this was only natural; after all, she had only known him when he had been a puppy and then an adolescent. But it still struck her that he had become a true wolf, a true member of the tribe, while she had been away. His coat, unlike his mother’s, held a range of colours that had not been present as a child. Tayui concluded that he must have inherited such a striking coat as he aged, perhaps indicating that he was far more mixed in heritage than his mother or his aunt. Tayui wondered, perhaps for the first time, who his father was. She had never concerned herself with such matters since it had been unimportant to Aurèle, and thus, Tayui had given little thought to it.

Of course, she had little time for so many second first impressions. After all, she wasn’t here to lollygag at her nephew, but speak with him as an adult. He deserved that much after she had abandoned her family.

“Hello Anatole,” she replied. “You’re looking quite well. Are you enjoying life in the tribe?” She hoped that an innocent question would help her become re-acquainted with him and possibly act as a precursor to other news.[html]

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