Each shade of blue is kept in our eyes
True! And sure thing! I think that Tayui instinctively trusts Anatole so she will spill the details!
[/html] Tayui nodded, slowly, in understanding when Anatole explained that it was from the old leader, whom she could only assume was Maska. She began to speak, this time in her lilting, clipped French: “[html]qui l’a dit[/html]?” she began, but then paused when realization dawned. She frowned when Anatole swore: she had to be right. Claudius said the same thing (more or less) when she’d met him. Anatole then added that he would have liked to meet him and Tayui nodded. He sounded like a terrible thing: no wolf nor beast, just some wretched creature that had false authority and a flippant tongue.

“[html]Ouai, Claudius dit la même, n’est-ce pas?[/html],” she replied. She frowned. She didn’t want to swear in front of him, since she likely had neither the anger nor the passion. It would feel strange shouting the sacraments in front of her nephew even though she knew quite well that his mother likely taught him what he knew.

When he expressed his anger that she hadn’t been able to take the life of Haku’s accomplice, Tayui nodded darkly.

“Me too,” she replied. She felt something stir in her chest as she thought of how much she still wanted that vengeance, but knew it was impossible. She’d made peace. No one should be hurt anymore for her anger.

“No—I,” she began. “Attila knew. He tried to help, but I didn’t see him again. I’m glad you didn’t. It would have hurt you like it hurt Attila. Maybe. You’re both strong and I know—you could have held your own, but I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of my revenge. It’s not right, even if everything she was doing is so wrong, ostie de tabarnak, crisse.” She swore ferociously and then shook her head. She couldn’t let anyone else pay the price for her foolish crusades. [html]

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