Making up for lost time.
He smiled his charming smile. And that was something that Insomnia was sure belonged only to her Shadowfang. She’d never seen a wolf smile a truer smile. All her life she’d thought smiles to be so clumsy and ungraceful…but somehow the brute managed to pull it off with elegance that made a smile seem perfect. And when she gave her own petite ( and not nearly as graceful smile—it almost still looked foreign on her face), his own widened. Insomnia got such a kick out of that, still not understanding how her own silly smirk could cause him even more happiness. But if it did…well, she’d be a little more willing to smile. “Ah, how silly of me to have forgotten!” her head tilted when he paused and seemed baffled for a moment. Her eyebrows lifted faintly when he spoke of all the things he could have brought to her. The puppy side in her wished for all those things…and then her true personality reminded her that those things in life were pointless. Then again, life in general was pointless…why not stare at pretty feathers in the meantime? Ah, life was so puzzling sometimes. She nodded and hugged shadow. "Is it really....?" She looked up at his blue and gold eyes. She knew that he only had those eyes, well besides Blind anyway and she was dead. She spoke quietly. "Please put me down Shadow..." She looked at the ground and sighed. "I love you but we do need to talk about some things."

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