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OOC: I had Fritz leave so we can finish it with your post.

IC: His intimidation seemed to not actually help but rather make Hadley even more withdrawn. His eventual answer came out as mostly a whine and Fritz didn’t really want to believe that that was the case. He balled his fist even tighter as he backed away from Hadley. Fritz gave a frustrated sigh as he turned away from Hadley.

Muscular arms came up and ran his hands through his hair, trying to think of something to say that could help diffuse the tense situation. He didn’t want to forgive Hadley, it wasn’t his place to do so anyway, but wanted to do something. He still wanted to hurt Hadley for hurting Selene and decided to say that. ”I should hurt you for hurting her. But I won’t since she wouldn’t want that, no matter how she feels about you.” He wasn’t entirely sure how she felt towards the hybrid.

He stepped towards Anton, his Shire stallion seeming to sense his master’s tenseness and nudged Fritz’s shoulder gently. He pet Anton and said, ”I’m going to leave now and I have to say that I would feel no remorse if I never saw you again. Farewell Hadley.” He then mounted the horse and started to head off, though he wasn’t sure where he would go.

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