i can be brown; i can be blue; i can be violet sky
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Well, as long as they didn't try and shoot at them and eat them, Laurel didn't really care if they were around or if they ever came back. Though he was definitely curious as to whether or not there were more besides that group, the chances of seeing them were no doubt slim to none. The fact that they carried guns was enough to invoke fear in all of them, considering how a vast majority avoided them despite their availability. “At least they didn't stir up trouble or try and take back things,” he off-handedly mentioned. What a mess that would have been to deal with. “Maybe they set the fire.” He didn't know how long ago anything was, but if folks avoided them and very few of them tried to interact, well then who knew.

To humans, they were monsters, right? Taller, faster, hulking beasts of bone and fur. Teeth and claws all the way. Good enough reason to try and burn them out of the area, he thought. Maybe if he had been a human instead of a coyote, he would have done the same thing. Of course, if he knew anything about the fairy tales in the books in front of him, he would have been interested in the way that they portrayed all of them. Coyotes were just as much of tricksters as wolves were in those tales. “So other than reading things and playing music, what else do you like to do?” A couple of things in shared interest generally led onto more, or so he had learnt from experience.


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