M-Queen No Longer

Word Count → 550 :: Tell me if I need to change this.

It's really sick, I'll hand it to you shes a
I like the way she rides this dick

Another howl rose from the woman, and Panda cackled a wicked witch's cackle. Her laughter died out though as she looked down at the woman, and her tail wagged from side to side. Her claws dug into the earth as she stayed on her fours in her Optime form. She could smell the scent of blood, which made the woman draw close to the flipped woman. She took a hand and ran it on her face as the whimpers filtered through her maw. That wicked grin still sat on her face as she looked down at the woman, and a fake sense of sympathy crept on her face. That hurt, eh? she knew that the woman wouldn't be able to hear her well, but she drew up close and she whispered the words into the woman's ears for her. Part of her did not care at all about this woman, if only because she brought this upon herself. The worst part about this all was that Panda was not done with Amy. No. She was just starting.

She threw a caw up to Serenade, and the bird took off back towards the caves. She had told him to get Venom, and maybe to get Lillith so that Amy could apologize yet again to the child. Maybe to swear that she would never do such a thing again. Panda wanted to make sure that no one would dare fuck with the Behr-clan that was living in Anathema. They were not to be fucked with, but when they were, devastating things were going to go down. They believed in peace and harmony, yes, but there is only so many things that they would let slip by. Trying to poison their daughter was not something that someone was allowed to get away with without repercussions.

Panda pinned the woman then against the ground and she stuck her face in the female's and then she showed her teeth again at the woman. Show me your neck. Put your tail between your legs. growled the woman, again in her ear for her and just above a whisper. It wasn't that Panda didn't want to scream again, it was just that she didn't want to have to damage the woman's ears even more. She could already smell the blood from the damaged ear drums, so Panda was going to have to help her with her ears later, if that was even an option. Panda might just let the woman heal on her own. Panda put her face near the woman's chest for a moment, trying to listen to her heartbeat, to see if the woman was scared. Panda then decided to sit on the woman's stomach, and did so with most of her weight on the woman, as if she was trying to smother the woman all of a sudden. She did not lay on the blonde woman though, but she did put her hands on each side of the other luperci's head and she looked straight down into the eyes of the Sut.

Stupid fucking bitch. growled the woman. She was just angry now, and waiting for Venom to come here with Serenade. She needed someone to tell her when enough was enough.

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image © Alaine!


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