Salsola Conflict
Salsola Conflict

There’s trouble brewing for the northlands. A group of wolves linked to members of Inferni have arrived, however secretly, and set up a camp far to the east. They currently are an unknown, unrecognized threat—but that’s going to change soon enough.

Salsolians, please take a moment to look over this website. It has detailed information regarding this upcoming plot, as well as what you can do to get involved.

The Boreas wolves are harassing both Inferni and Salsola. You can stay atop all relevant information in this thread and the Inferni conflict thread: this thread is primarily for events relevant to Salsola. Smile

Respond here if you have questions! Thanks!

Important Links

Inferni Conflict Thread ·
Boreas Conflict Wiki ·
Boreas Website

Further Information

As mentioned, the plot website explains the goals and timeline of this plot in detail. This thread will be updated as things progress; our intention is to keep things orderly and moving along for the duration of this plot. PLEASE look over the website carefully; most of you questions should be answered there.

If you have an idea for a thread related to this plot, please respond here, or send a PM to Sie, along with a proposal.


For threads where an NPC death has been designated, the killer/death is listed with an asterisk (*). Thread leaders (starters) are listed in italics.

  • Rising Tension (Mar 30)

    Inferni sends a scout to Salsola to inquire about weird occurrences. Itachi Lykoi recently sighted a scout near Salsola, and it has been a recent hot rumor in the pack, publicized by Eris Eternity.
    • (CLOSED): Odessa, Foxglove -- [THREAD]
    • Inferni: Max Klein
  • Third Strike (April 9)

    Three Boreas wolves travel down Halcyon Mountain, attacking Salsola along the Pictou River. They also depart in this direction and ride in the river so their scent trail is untraceable. One Boreas wolf is killed.
    • (CLOSED): Imhotep, Artemisia, Reykr*, Tlantli, Miqui (NPC), Helias (NPC) -- [THREAD]
    • Boreas: Kalle Niko, Simona van Dael, Hasse Kettil
  • Fourth Strike (April 9)

    Just hours after the first attack, a second party of eight attacks Salsola. They penetrate deep into the pack's territory, quite near to the Borgata Coatl. They depart in the same manner as the previous attack.

    Defenders (8 - 14 participants) over ~3 threads; threads have no more than three players each:
    • (CLOSED): Salvia, Larkspur (NPC)*, Harrow, TaeKyung -- [THREAD]
      • Boreas: Jannik Anders*, Jonas Kasper, Kalle Niko
    • (CLOSED): Magnolia*, Siv, Denver -- [THREAD]
      • Boreas: Kaj Matthias, Hasse Kettil*
    • (CLOSED!): Sirius, Itachi, Ezequiel -- [THREAD]
      • Boreas: Maaike Jari, Sindri Fannar, Simona van Dael
    • (OPEN!): Another thread? maybe!
    Two Boreas wolves are killed in the attack; a third is found a few hours later, ensnared in one of the border traps. Although she is alive, no one is quite sure whether she can provide a bearing on the Boreas camp.
    • (CLOSED): Pandemic, Siv -- [THREAD]
      • Boreas: Simona van Dael
  • Salsola Attack III (April 27)

    Salsola is attacked again, this time by a smaller, more heavily armed contingent of the wolves. Again, they travle through the Pictou to conceal their scent and are otherwise rather sneaky about their approach. However, a Salsolian spots them before they depart.

    Defenders (8 - 14 participants) over ~3 threads; threads have no more than three players each:
    • (OPEN!): Alessandra, Sirius, Isabella -- [THREAD]
      • Boreas: Vilis Holst, Karel Sanna, Emilie Fannar
    • (OPEN!): Siv, Draugr, TaeKyung (Maybe!) -- [THREAD]
      • Boreas: Saule Anders (Preybot: Sie), Louis Kasper, Piet Theodorus

Help Us Out!

You can start a thread in some cases -- see thread starting for further information. When you start a thread, let us know by replying here (or in the Inferni Conflict thread, if your thread is more relevant to Inferni).

Want to help us out even more? Big Grin Add your threads to the Boreas Conflict Wiki. If you have interaction with a particular Boreas character, edit it into that character's Wiki page. :3


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