[M] Cut to the chase, babe.
OOC – I think he's in love. Tongue And I hope how I started Toby with you against Fang is alright.

IC – 
He was giving low grunts and growls of pleasure while she reacted well to his body. The two were biting and clawing and thrusting and soon her lips were on his. His response was a passionate, blood filled kiss that might gross others out but to him he found like she was an angel. The best part of this angel, however, was that devil horns held up her halo. The thrusting continued. The pleasure climaxed. Soon he was expanding to fill her some more. In amazement Fang soon came to a solid conclusion...

She was the closest thing to perfection for a guy like him.

-----------[Changing to Toby. Forwarding to after the sex.]-----------

Toby awoke in a puddle of blood. Mixed blood. One scent matching his, the other smelling of a female. What was going on? He squinted through the morning light. How long had Fang messed with who ever the girl was? That's when he got the feeling of a body next to his. His head shifted and there lay a woman. Blonde pony tail, most of her hair having fallen down due to movement, blonde fur. The most striking feature being her body was covered in blood caught Toby's attention the most. His eyes drifted to his own naked self. Her blood. His blood. It littered his body in small cuts and hand prints.

A bit of shock set in, it was something he'd never had expected to wake up to. Despite his other personality's tendencies he would never have guessed to see an equal amount of blood spill. He slowly lifted the girl to lay on the ground and not his arm, standing up to test out his walking ability. That's when he smelled the body. It was a day old wolf, probably a young loner, bloody and dead a few yards away. Bugs and birds munching on it for breakfast, the corpse had been attacked and slit at the throat. Actually, he squinted his black eyes to the creature, Its throat seems to have been disattached.

He swallowed hard. Was this his body's work? Was he capable of hosting such a monster? He looked the woman back over again to address her injuries. Nothing seemed deep. Nothing seemed permanent. His muscles were stiff, his fur dried in their blood. What had happened here?

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