I pray your god forgives

(318) Sorry for posting out of turn, but I did want to get as much done on Tla as possible. >;3 Also, I misspoke and forgot Miqui is above Tlantli in rank... but it doesn't matter anyway because brother Miqui basically belongs to Tla. -snort- Also, someone else can save Tlantli here; if not, Miqui or Helias can? c:

Tlantli is by Nat!

The wolf swung his axe and Tlantli her machete, trying to avoid more blows than she blocked with the weapon. It was an item built for chopping, more tool than weapon, but it was all she had. Swinging her blade upward, she caught the axe once and metal twanged against metal. The impact resonated through her arms and shook her, and for the first time, Tla realized how much larger then wolf was than her. She was slim and small and coyote, and he was a wolf, through and through, outsizing her by sheer virtue of species alone.

Her half-yowl of rage boomed, deeper than it had any right to be, and the hybrid shoved her weapon upwards against his. Without warning, she let her machete drop in the same moment she shoved forward with her shoulder, slamming it into the wolf's chest. Coyote or not, all the air went out of him in a great gasp, and he stumbled backwards. She had not seen the rock that struck him in the same instance, a hard blow against the arm holding his axe, but she did not care -- still screaming and yowling for blood, the hybrid descended on the wolf, machete forgotten as her teeth sought his flesh.

Her teeth flashed again and again, striking against his shoulder and his arm and even his face, right up until the wolf brought a heavy fist up and against the side of her head. Tlantli yipped with the pain as she fell from him, dazed by the blow. The wolf rolled to his feet as quick as he could, streaming blood from the marks her teeth had made against him, but he was far more lucid than Tlantli in that moment. Her machete was still in her hand, but the limb seemed slow -- far too slow to stop the swing of the man's axe hurtling toward her.

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