[M]Acting the part
OOC: This post just... grew. Feel free to PP Kit following ya, if Terra doesn't somehow stop the merchant or whatever. xD


Everything seemed to be going perfectly, a good con game being pulled without the victim even being aware, and Kit was already glad that he had Fleta to join him on such underhanded adventures. There was a slight hint of guilt at how eager the merchant was to help, but Kit justified it with the belief that he had enough things that if two thieves lightened his load a bit, it wouldn't even go noticed. To further brush away any minor feelings of guilt, Kit arrived back to the pair in time to see the merchant testing Fleta's leg, and felt an odd sensation at witnessing the act.

Mindlessly handing the merchant the bag of herbs, Kit tried to decide just what he was feeling, but knew that he didn't like the merchant touching her. It was a faint feeling, but there, and only being sent to aquire more food kept him from exploring the feeling in any depth. "Uh.. of course, I'll go find some." Kit responded with the daze lightly evident, his green eyes ceasing to stare at Fleta's leg, while the free hand ceased fiddling with the necklace he almost always wore.

Heading back to the cart, Kit was glad to have the thrill of looting to wash away the unwelcome feeling that had popped up in his head. Once there, he was once again delighted at the selection, but had his delight tempered by a self-imposed time limit. After all, the merchant might have got suspicious if it took him forever to find something. What caught his eye the most, was a silver hip flask resting near the front of the wagon, of the sort that might carry a bit of the firy water Kit sometimes liked. While lifting the flask, Kit was pleased to note that it seemed to have a small amount of something in it, and eagerly grabbed the flask up. Along with another decent sized pouch of meat, that would ensure the pair of thieves ate well for a night or two. Taking a few strips of dried meat from the stolen goods, Kit headed back to where Fleta lay.

"I found some strips of dried meat, how about that?" Kit offered, forgetting to sound quite as worried, but the merchant failed to catch him on that. Instead, Kit was presented with a more troubling situation, when the merchant responded "No no, the dried meat won't settle well with these herbs, I had a little bit of fresher stuff toward the back of the cart... I'll just go get it, but you can have that for yourself.". Which was a problem, since there was a rather noticable gap in one spot on the wagon where his own much fuller knapsack had gained its bulk from. Unable to think of some logical reason that would prevent suspicion, Kit planned to simply wait for the merchant to turn his back, and signal to his "mate" that it was time to make their disapearing act.

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