Bitter Moments
Tharin's affection was welcome in that moment and she breathed it in. It was always best to have someone there to comfort you when you wake up from such a chilling nightmare. Nightmares that frighten you so intensely it seems to sink into your bones and remain there even when you awake. She gave the ashy wolf a slight nod when he confirmed that the night terror was indeed only a figment of her imagination. His voice was soothing and seemed to overpower Rowan's voice that had been playing like a broken record in her head. Insulting her over and over, only confirming her doubt in herself. Calling her weak and stupid. That's how she felt about herself despite the proud disposition she wore regularly. That was only a mask to cover the inexperienced weak wolf she really was. It was hard keeping such a happy figure when you have such an ardent lack of faith in yourself, but she did it somehow. She figured that being here with her new family that she would grow stronger and in time that dubiousness would fade. Eventually she would be able to defend herself and her loved ones. The silver wolf returned Tharin's welcoming smile with her own small meaningful one. Fayne laughed along with him. She too found it rather intimidating to be hovered over by a large two legged wolf, seeing as she was a tiny figure. Zalen had introduced himself in Optime form and he was gentle, kind, and welcoming. Her adoration for him was growing with time and he had given her a good start, alleviating her from her discomfort in the meadow. Though, they didn't always remain in four legged form it was nice being around wolves who enjoyed lupus form just as much as she does.

Yes, I agree. I find this place welcoming. Seeing as how most of this land has turned to a more human lifestyle, this is a suitable home for wolves like you and me. Fayne strode over to her companion and sat herself down next to him. She look up at the stars that were very bright. In the forest, the skies were littered with stars and you could even see some of the larger galaxies sprawling over the sky. It was magnificent. Fayne's eyes were soft, anyone could see a longing desire in them. For every time she looked up at the astounding night sky she saw all those that she loved who's lives had been lost. All of them watching her from up above, they were her guardians. She recalled to what Tharin had said when he first approached her. It really is a beautiful night, starts are pretty. I find the stars are quite soothing when you're upset. Without them, the earth would be a dark and frightening place at night. But, when they're here the night is quiet, calming, and the stars are your companions. She felt silly telling Tharin her theories about the night sky and found herself giggling lightly at herself. It was true though. If you're ever alone the stars will always be there. She turned to him and gave a wide adoring smile wondering if he thought she was as silly as she did. I must sound silly. Right? She gave another small chortle and looked back up at the sky, smiling as she did so. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye ever so often wondering why she felt so intent to open up to him. Usually she was withdrawn and shy but with Tharin it didn't take very long at all for her to open up. Strange.

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