Bitter Moments
Tharin looked over with surprise. The stars were where the dead went? He always imagined them as spirits, wandering the earth and watching over the pack. To think that they actually became the deities that they so relied on was incredible. Did that mean that the previous alphas were up there as well? Hearing her doubt it was strange. Tharin so strongly believed in what he was raised with. Doubts didn't even occur to him. The world he was in now was definitely different from what he had expected. Wolves as two leggers, beliefs that were believed while knowing they might not be true.

Fayne nudged him softly, licking at his muzzle. Tharin nuzzled her back, stilling at her words. They came from the same region, that was certainly true. Perhaps she came from the pack that had suddenly up and disappeared from the area. Her curiosity about him wasn't something he wanted though. His past, he was so ashamed of himself. He had failed his alpha, allowed Akira to die. How could he tell Fayne what he'd done, how he wasn't the great hunter he'd once imagined himself as? No matter how much food he brought in, it couldn't undo what had been done. I'd much rather just walk these lands with you, enjoy the glow of the moon. Hopefully she'd buy it, go for a walk with him and forget what she was asking about.

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