Bitter Moments
Tharin grinned at the impatient noise, purposely slowing down on the last bit instead of moving with the same quickness that he'd started out with. She danced around, Tharin shifting around as well, waiting for what could make her so excited to show him. She set off at a trot, Tharin quickly moving to be beside her. He grinned as she looked around, meeting his eyes. Playfully he swiped at her with his tail, assuring that he was there. They moved into the woods, his eyes adjusting to the darkness, everything lit with a dim blue light. Leaves scuttled around, a wind tugging at his fur before releasing it for easier targets.

There were a lot of different noises, many of them new to the wolf from the barren lands. He'd grown used to them with time, but he still had no idea what the sources were. A submissive glance was sent his way, immediately met with confidence, tail high. She brushed against his shoulder, met with a bump from him. He grinned widely, pushing a little harder, muzzle stuck out towards her, a soft playful bite prepared to grip her. It was nice and relaxing, just going out with a pack member and wandering around, letting him learn the layout of the land better.

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