Bitter Moments
A small battle set up between the two wolves. Each nudge was met with one slightly harder than the last, a small contest to see who would come up on top. Tharin's size easily helped him with that, holding back a lot while Fayne was starting to have to work a little harder on her shoves, hitting against the solid mass of muscles. He growled playfully in response to her soft whines, tail held proudly behind him. Fayne pressed closer at his playful grip, growling back. Tharin released it fairly quickly, licking at her ruff to smooth it back out. His muzzle was licked, sending his tail wagging happily. It was easy to forget that she was a two legger seeing her like this, bumping against him.

Fayne trotted ahead, a small growl threatening at the need to claim who was in charge, clamped down at the reminder that they were supposed to be equal, and he didn't have a clue about where they were going. Her tail brushed along his face, leading him to snap at it playfully, the perfect toy flashing before his eyes. He picked up his pace, eager to see what was there. A play bow caught him off guard, and she was off in a flash, a silver streak through the woods. Tharin leaped after her, caught in a replay of the fight, seeing the bear ready to kill her just ahead. It was playing out just so, the cheerful attitude, the beautiful sights, the turn to play, him chasing after her.

He moved as quickly as he could, heart pounding even though he knew it wasn't Akira that he was racing to save. That there was no way to save her, that the bear would come and attack, leaving her to waste away from sickness. Bursting into the meadow Tharin panted, looking around wildly. No bear. It was fine. Fayne was fine. He calmed down, tail lowering from it's stance to a more relaxed one, wagging gently. It was a beautiful place, his nose lifted to take in all the different smells, a rich bouquet just for him to enjoy, even the occasional smell of prey breaking through. It's beautiful.

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