Lone Soul

The slender woman had travelled out of Inferni in a little rendezvous trip to calm her soul. Slim legs propelled the pretty woman forward, clothed in a simple pair of black jeans. She had left her chest bare, not expecting to meet anyone on the trip. Her arms were wrapped carefully about her core, by her feet trotted small Sinatrai. It had been a blessing finding the small boy, although he had been seriously beat up. His ear was torn and his body scarred. Better than being dead. Bending down, the russet female scooped the child up into her arms, pushing her muzzle affectionately into his fur. The coyote smiled and strong lithe arms pressed the furry hybrid's body to her chest, secure from falling.

Finally the pair found a soft place to sit, Omni gently set Sina down. "Momma?" Large pierced ears perking, the young woman nodded for him to speak, "What's wrong?" The puppy huddled close to her and motioned with his small muzzle to the man sitting not too far away. "Oh." Omni whispered, pulling the little brown coyote to her. Clearing her throat, Omni softly called to the stranger, for no reason known. "H-Hello?" Omni gently kissed the top of Sina's head and gleaned to the grey wolf. "Um...Hi. Who're you?"

Where was Jacinto? Where had he gone off to? It had been a day or so without seeing him. Had he left her? How could he do that anyway? She had just lost her first litter. Had just learned that one of her brothers was dead. Maybe the grief was getting to him as well. "I'm Omni...And this is Sinatrai."


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