Lone Soul
Omni smiled as the male introduced himself, a small friendly grin set upon her pretty features. Russet arms spread over her knees as she drew them up to her bare chest, closing vivid blue eyes in relaxation. Sinatrai, however was very much curious about the stranger. "I'm Sinatrai! What's the Aniwaya? We come from a place called Inferni. We live in this big huge building/thing...It's so pretty. It's only for Coyotes though. Are you a coyote?" Sina cocked his head to the side, studying the monochrome colored man for a second. Omni chuckled seeing he didn't see the link or separation of the two species. She herself was over half coyote, yet the thick blood of the wolf flowed steady as the wind through her veins. Not that it showed though. Her body was lean and athletic, never showing the tell-tale bulk of their larger cousins. When the young woman had ventured around New Dawn, the wolf that had greeted her thought she was full coyote. Figures. The sandy tones of her fur were ever so giving her away. "Come on Sina. Let's not trouble the nice man with daunting questions. 'Kay?" Omni smiled broadly at the child, watching as he crept over to Echo. Watching as the scarred hybrid pawed playfully at the fluffy tail of the man. "Tell me about Aniwaya!" The small coyote boy yipped, sitting himself right in front of the wolf. Most in the clan were not find or trustful of wolves. And possibly letting her gentle innocent child venture too far would certainly be wrong. Behind him, Sina's fluffy brown tail flopped excitedly on the forest floor. Both ears were perked, even the one that was so torn in half. "Sina..." Omni warned, laying herself on her stomach in front of both males, arms crossed in front of her with her dark hair curling around her forearms and slender fingers. 

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