Fresh air for the mind, body and heart

If you need a translation for what Enzo is saying don't hesitate to pm me and ask! Big Grin Also totally didn't forget about this thread .. totally Wink

Her high pitched scream was like a music to his ears, as it was to every brother who enjoyed teasing his younger sister. Her weight was slight upon his muscles, the woman was positively pixie in proportion next to himself, a real dainty character. Through his laughter he managed to answer her indignant question,

"Ahh be amusin' mahself greatly 'ere sissy." He broke off then, sniggering to himself, amusement flowing through him. Fia was the one of them who spent the most time in human like clothes, Enzo had dumped his own jeans a few months ago after he ha discovered to his disgust that they no longer fit him. So he had burned them in a childish fit of anger, after tearing them up. He may have the height and physique of a man but there was still a large amount of adolescence inside Lorenzo.

His laughter started up again as she realised he had been stalking her and her tail beat against the back of his head.

"Aye. Et weren't too 'ard neither. Yar are easy tah track." The last part was said with almost concern, he hoped she wasn't so unaware of her surroundings when she was outside Casa because otherwise she'd make an easy target. The idea of his beloved sister being any body's prey made him nauseous and stirred anger deep in his gut. Her bright giggles pulled him from his darkening mood though and he twisted his head to look back at her. She was so different looking to him and Tony, it was bizarre.

"What ya be plannin' on doing tahday?" The amethyst jewel combed her appearance for anything even slightly out of place, he wanted to make sure that her mate was treating her right. Enzo hadn't seen much of Gunnar after their last meeting where Lorenzo had threatened him with death should he ever hurt Fia.

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