no light, no light
[html]For Honey and Jess, if they both want to hop in.:3 Shitty post blaerghjfdv;daskcmdsfljk

When the group disbanded, Ezra made the mistake of going out on his own. The open, free road seemed so pleasant and welcoming to him. Eli was especially excited to explore the north. And so the trio set off again, despite Petra’s ever increasing struggle over the weight of two luperci on her back. The days were long and hard though because of winters grip on the land. They pushed on, however, and saw the beauty the northern lands held for what felt like years.

It was lonely, though. Ezra missed the constant interaction he had with his old comrades. He constantly thought about the best times at Hillsburn; father and son had made a point to not talk out loud about that time, because it was too sad to think that it was over. Eli expressed loneliness constantly, and always asked when Lilin would be back to play. Every time he asked his father, a shadow crossed the husky’s face. After more time had passed,Ezra knew it was time to go back to what he knew. And he knew that the Rosen family was meant to be with the Stormbringers.

A few days brought him to the general area where Saul told Ezra to look for him. It was quite north of Halifax and by the coast. From the moment he smelled the group that he had strayed away from for some weeks he knew he was back home. The hybrid let out a long, warm howl that called for his dear friends. After a few seconds Eli chimed in too, forming a harmonious call that begged for their friends to return to them.



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