[m] watercolours into the ocean
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

LET IT BEGIN –squirms- Backdated to April 7th.

Magnolia had gone on a ride with Jasper early in the morning outside the pack lands yesterday and ended up breaking into one of the rare still-standing human dwellings that she found beyond the packlands. A sound had come from the building as she was trotting by, and she was intrigued by what could be inside. Inside the dusty ruins was a small stockpile of mostly intact bottles of liquor. Jade eyes widened excitedly as she snatched them all up with juvenile greed. She knew exactly who would want to share this with her.

She was less bitter now. She knew her avoidance of her pseudo-lover couldn’t last much longer. She missed him too much, even though she didn’t want to admit it to herself. But the fact that he didn’t come see her had bothered her for days as she stayed in bed curled up with Claudia. Regardless, it needed to be dealt with, and Maggie wasn’t a patient female.

The ride back to Salsola had been easy enough now that it was finally starting to be less bitterly cold. Spring was finally showing itself and that made the Confidant feel a little less miserable. Jasper was an quick horse and so got her back at a reasonable hour, just as the sun was dipping into the mountains. The silver girl fed the kitten some meat she had left over from the morning and set off on foot to Denver’s house.

The satchel laden with alcohol dug into her shoulder as she walked. She looked at it blankly, devoid of any emotion. All too soon the hybrid reached her intended location. Sighing, she put the heavy bag onto the ground and let out a quick bark announcing her presence.


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