A functioning cog in some great machinery
Don’t know how many rounds you wanna do guys, so I guess….. We’ll play it by ear I guess? Also, I don’t know how to PP NPCs, so tell me if you want this changed bobbi >_>

Maggie wasn’t even thinking at this point; her time in the Thistle Kingdom had taught her to fight without her mind, relying on only gut instincts. Siv made her way over to the larger, mounted horseman, which Maggie took as a cue to follow Denver and attack the easier prey. The two Confidants mirrored each other in both attack style and weaponry so she rushed to the other side of the male that Denver didn’t have.

She snarled menacingly at him and brandished her dagger in front of him. That didn’t stop the stranger though; he took his weapon and thrust it in Maggie’s general direction. Luckily, her quick body got out of the way just in time. The girl snarled again, and quickly retaliated with a strike of her own which was avoided by the energetic youth. This dance kept occuring, Maggie going on way and the man moving another way until his dagger finally collided with the side of her ribs. Gasping, she stepped back a few paces, letting the pain sink in.


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